The World Tag Project (WdTag) is a public welfare project founded by Emily. It is committed to exploring the driving forces of human technology and civilization, and organizing project members to express their understanding of the world
through the expression of art and digital technology. At the same time, we spread knowledge and ideas in a more concise way, so that more teenagers and children can understand what these important technologies and art mean to us, and
inspire everyone to do something meaningful for our bright future.
To learn more, click here
Created by Emily, this software is an APP designed for children to understand Greek mythology. The picture in the APP is a two-dimensional cartoon style card drawn with iPad software. The introduction of the Greek gods is available
in Chinese and English. At the same time, I provided two versions of dubbing. The Emily version is read by Emily in real person. The AI version is generated by AI. The English version is AI male voice and the Chinese version
is AI female voice. This software is part of the World Tag project. For more information about the project, please visit our official At the same time, the works in the APP have been launched in Opensea. Welcome to visit and collect and support our projects.
2022-08-11 | Emily
2022-08-11 | Emily
2022-08-11 | Emily
2022-08-11 | Emily
2022-08-11 | Emily
2022-08-11 | Emily
Welcome to World Tag
I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.